David MacGowan: going through Blade Runner shot-by-shot and illustrating each in MS Paint.
via Motherboard
If you read Motherboard regularly, it should come as no surprise that we’re hugefansof Ridley Scott’s 1982 classic, Blade Runner. A gorgeous, smoggy neo-noir dystopia? Artificial intelligence and highly sophisticated bioengineered beings? Serious questions about free will, reality and what it means to be human? Yes, please.
So when we discovered David MacGowan’s tumblr MSP Blade Runner, our response was one of collective awe and fascination. MacGowan is quite literally going through Blade Runner shot-by-shot and illustrating each in MS Paint. The drawings aren’t perfect in terms of artistry—it is MS Paint, after all—and they’re not 100 percent complete in detail. But each moment is instantly recognizable even to someone with only a passing familiarity with the film. And MacGowan has nailed that elusive, pitch-perfect Internet Ugly aesthetic so many of us try and fail to, well, replicate.